This year conference theme was "Turning the tide", a theme that many people will agree with me not only drive the topics and the different activities at the event, but also energized the international community to take a stand and have an "HIV free generation".
We had prominent politicians speaking to the delegates at the event including: President Barack Obama, Secretary General Hilary Clinton and President Francois Hollande (well those are the ones I saw). Even President Hollande making a strong statement about using the transactional tax in France to invest in HIV prevention and treatment.
Don't get me wrong, if I have seen or heard of David Cameron speaking to the delegates I would have written about it. However, since I did not see him I will not make assumption and there I will rest my case about UK government's commitment to investing in HIV prevention and treatment research.
Away from the politics and the politicians point scoring, there were many interesting as well as promising data, results and innovation coming out of the conference. As part of my IAS blogging, I will be highlighting this key "expectations" from Treatment as Prevention (TasP), Microbicides, Vaccines, Medical Male Circumcision (MMCV), HIV testing and the most amazing of them all, the Lancet report on HIV and Men who have sex with men and Gay men all over the world.
My commitment is to give you an insight into each topic twice a week starting from this week and all you have to do is just watch out and share your views.